Roan Coughtry - Upcoming Events

Decolonizing Whiteness: A Paradox Worth Diving Into
to May 1

Decolonizing Whiteness: A Paradox Worth Diving Into

In this gathering, birthed from the multiracial Decolonize Race Project, we aim to bring together a group of around 20 white-identified individuals to do a deep-dive into the roots of colonization among our peoples, and what is needed to heal and transform patterns of harm and imagine a future of thriving. Together we will explore nuanced, stretchy and risky questions and practicing deepening our capacity for relationship - with ourselves, with each other, and with this work.

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Nova Scotia Gaels Jam
to Feb 20

Nova Scotia Gaels Jam

  • Google Calendar ICS

It is our honour to invite you to apply to participate in the 10th Anniversary Nova Scotia Gaels Jam! This Jam will connect 25 diverse, engaged, and committed leaders within the Gaelic community from across Nova Scotia and beyond for a week of deep listening, sharing, self-discovery, systemic inquiry, and community building. Find out more at

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What Is My Story? A Narrative Approach to Building Anti-racism Skill
to May 2

What Is My Story? A Narrative Approach to Building Anti-racism Skill

Examining the stories we hold is an essential practice for white people. The stories we hold about ourselves and others can be a tool in service of white supremacy, or they can be a powerful force for exposing the myths of white superiority and breaking allegiance to whiteness. For more information and to register, click here.

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2022 Wellness & Healing Justice Jam
to Aug 27

2022 Wellness & Healing Justice Jam

Calling all diverse healing practitioners to the Wellness and Healing Justice Jam — a gathering for people working at the intersections of healing arts, community advocacy, and counseling. We’ll come together to share our challenges and breakthroughs in our work; nurture ourselves; support and inspire each other; explore our identities as practitioners, healers, and whole people; figure out ways to be more sustainable; find intersections for future collaborations; build a more resilient network; and much more! Learn more here.

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World Gaels' Jam
to Apr 30

World Gaels' Jam

  • Google Calendar ICS

Tha sinn gu math toilichte cuireadh a thoirt dhuibh pàirt a ghabhail anns an darna Caidreabh Gàidheil an t-Saoghail air loidhne. It is our honour and privilege to invite YOU to apply for our 2nd World Gaels' Jam Online! This Jam will bring together Gaels from around the world – a group of about thirty, drawn from diverse backgrounds. We treasure diversity and hope our group will include Gaels from many different countries, with different levels of experience and a range of viewpoints.

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Queer Jam
to Mar 12

Queer Jam

The Queer Jam is a powerful gathering of 20-30 dynamic and diverse individuals from LGBTQ* communities. We’ll dive into deep listening, sharing, self-discovery, systemic inquiry and community-building together, all through the virtual platform of Zoom.

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Creating Change
to Jan 31

Creating Change

For 33 years, the National LGBTQ Task Force has brought you Creating Change, the largest LGBTQ activist conference in the country. Every year, thousands of people from across the country come together to learn, connect, and resist. At Creating Change we sharpen our minds with skills and knowledge, fill our hearts with love and joy, and deepen our commitment to freedom, justice and equity for all LGBTQ people. Creating Change 2021 will be no different, with one big exception: Creating Change 2021 will be our first ever virtual conference.

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Sex Down South
to Sep 12

Sex Down South

  • Google Calendar ICS

Located in Atlanta, GA, the Sex Down South Conference provides a wide array of sexuality workshops taught by skilled presenters from around the world. Join Roan for The Topography of Joy with Alba Onofrio and more workshops with the Sexual Liberation Collective. This year’s conference will be held virtually.

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Internalized Whiteness in the U.S. Southeast
12:00 PM12:00

Internalized Whiteness in the U.S. Southeast

Join us for a conversation focused on white folks living in the South, and open to people of all races and places. We’ll explore: What does internalized whiteness mean to each of us, given our experiences in Atlanta and the South? What are some new ways of being we can cultivate that do not play into white superiority and whiteness? how can we leverage this “portal” as Arundhati Roy describes it, between a past we do not wish to return to and a future we cannot yet see?

For more information and to register, click here:

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Wellness and Healing Justice Jam
to Aug 25

Wellness and Healing Justice Jam

  • Google Calendar ICS

The Wellness and Healing Justice Jam is a 5-day gathering for people working at the intersections of healing, community advocacy, and social change. We’ll explore our identities as practitioners, healers, and whole people, while building a more resilient network and finding sustainability in our life and work.

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Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference
to Jul 27

Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference

**Update: Due to unforeseen circumstances, I’m unable to attend PTWC this year. Since these workshops are in high demand, I’ll be creating an online webinar later this summer. Sign up for my newsletter for more info!


  • Unpacking Emotional Abuse

  • Between You and Me: Knowing, Naming, and Respecting Boundaries for Better Sex and Relationships

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